SCREAMIE-JEEMIES The Wrath of the Whitby Goth Moth
Weird and Creepy Tales of Whitby.
Paperback, fiction. 112 pages, 20,000 words.
Scary & fun. For Children aged 8 to 80!
It’s autumn half term and there is nothing to do … until they spot the advert. The new Goth shop is looking for four kids to model vampire costumes for a short film. Perfect!
Then Ethan is swallowed by a hat. The other two don’t believe Scarlet, but she just knows that Ethan has gone bad. And there is something deeply creepy about the shop owner.
Why are there death’s head hawkmoths flying about in the shop? And those backpack Gothie keyring charms look weirdly real…
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This is a great book to read if you enjoy visiting Whitby for Goth Weekend. These short but sweet scary but fun books are brilliant!
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We have loved reading this series with our son, and it’s so lovely that he recognises many of the Whitby locations within the books and can vividly imagine the stories. They are the perfect balance of scary and fun. So grab your flashlight, snuggle under the covers, and enjoy Halogen Jones’ latest book series.