
Moon Pool

(4 customer reviews)


Paperback, fiction, Young Adult.

Author: Christian Vassie

Book one in the Moon Pool Trilogy

Read the first three chapters of Moon Pool

SKU: MP3745 Category: Tags: , , , , ,


It is nine years since Sam Blanchard’s marine biologist dad disappeared. All that remains of him is the shared love of wild animals that feeds and shields her heart.

Winning a writing competition, fifteen-year-old Sam is invited to explain to a thousand politicians in the European Parliament why the natural world matters. Scary, but she never ducks a challenge.

As she steps from the podium she has shared with Rafael, the other competition winner, Sam is handed a note that claims her dad is alive but his life hangs by a thread. Before it is too late he wants to share a secret with her.

Sam and Rafael race across Europe to find Sam’s Dad. Why does Sam suspect Rafael is hiding something from her?

An epic tale of discovery, betrayal and adventure. The stakes are higher than Sam could possibly have imagined.

Learn more in the Moon Pool blog

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Additional information

Weight 0.2 kg
Dimensions 21 × 15 × 1.5 cm

4 reviews for Moon Pool

  1. Sarah K

    Moon pool is a fast-paced and action-packed thriller that will keep the reader enthralled right until the very last page. Amazon review

  2. A E Kent

    Read this book in a couple of sittings. I really enjoyed the main female protagonist, who is feisty,yet at times realistically vulnerable and there is nothing simplistic in the way her complex relationship with her father is explored. The plot is action packed, and keeps you turning the pages- could feel my heart sink as the assassination of the baddy was foiled. Environmental angle and details about dolphins and tuna left me wanting more details, but hopeful this will be explored further in next book. Amazon review

  3. Mark Collins-Cope

    “I love science fiction and I also love books that use fiction to comment on reality. Hidden behind this book is a lot of devastating stuff about how we humans are destroying our world but it is all tucked away inside a great story that just carries you along. It’s only when you’ve finished reading that you really find yourself wondering what we are doing to our world and whether we could all be more like the main characters.

    Sam, Rafael, and Sam’s dad Michel are all outsiders, for different reasons. I guess that is why they have the courage to stand up. I wish I could tell you about the other characters but I don’t want to spoil it for you. Just go and read it yourself! It really is a thriller.” Amazon review

  4. jaz

    I’m going to be honest, I didn’t expect to like this book as much as I did! I mostly stick to sci fi, and due to how busy I’ve been I’ve not read very much at all recently but this was recommended to me so I figured it give it a go over the holidays. Onto the review!

    Most of the critique I’ve seen for this is that the main character was annoying, but honestly it was such a breath of fresh air to the waves of bland main characters in books. She certainly had a lot of attitude (understandable given what had happened to her), and as someone who has recently left my teens I greatly appreciated how spot on she was; I’ve put down so much teen fiction recently where the mid-teens main character acted more like a middle aged woman is ridiculous!! Also, as a girl who was a massive tomboy in my childhood I loved that aspect of her 😀 Though she was a bit unsympathetic at times, so hopefully her character will allow her to develop into a more rounded young woman 🙂

    The storyline itself was packed with action and twists which is always nice when you haven’t got a lot of time to read, and I think that is one of it’s best features. As someone interested in the environment, the areas about the fishing and… spoilers >.>… were very interesting, and I actually learnt quite a bit about illegal fishing which I did not previously know.
    In terms of writing style, it reminded me a lot of the earlier Maximum Ride books which I loved as a teen.

    There were a few typos and grammatical, but given that it is self published it is understandable, and there was certainly nothing that knocked me out of the reading zone.

    All in all, a very good read. I have recommended it to friends and hopefully they spread the word too as this is an underrated book that could certainly do with more attention! It has also given me some hope for other teen fiction so I shall have a go at reading some more soon.
    Hopefully I will have the time to read the sequel over the easter holidays (ahh university problems), as I’m super curious about all the characters revealed near the end and how everything is going to play together.
    Aaaaaand this review is super long already so I’m going to stop here! D:
    tl;dr good book and at that price it’s definitely worth a read c: Amazon review

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