
Making Plans for Michael

Original price was: £9.99.Current price is: £5.99.

Hardback, fiction, 237 pages.

Author: Christian Vassie

Riotous farce in the ugly world of politics

Read the first two chapters of Making Plans for Michael

SKU: MPM3714 Category: Tags: ,


When trainee librarian, Michael Young, is elected to Escrington city council, he’s suddenly flavour of the month with his girlfriend’s mum. But is he cut out for politics?

A dodgy planning deal threatens a historic landmark. While backhanders are being trousered, the protesters plot their campaign, in Michael’s flat.

The press and the media are always sniffing about for an exciting story, even if it means encouraging it a little.

Throw into the pot a flaky therapist desperate to become a mother, a handful of survivalists, a bunch of muesli-knitting hippies, a reality tv company, and a property developer suffering from conscience fatigue. Michael’s new career path can only go … DOWN!

Additional information

Weight 0.45 kg
Dimensions 23 × 15 × 2.5 cm

1 review for Making Plans for Michael

  1. Stephen Lewis

    “Making Plans For Michael is a farcical romp about a young innocent elected on to a city council – and being completely unprepared for what happens next. … It’s all great fun.”
    Stephen Lewis, “Council Capers” review in The York Press 13th October 2007

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